Friday 30 July 2010

First year work

I was sorting out my portfolio from first year and thought I would photograph some of my favorite pieces of work i particular enjoyed working on.
This piece here of the door is the last project I did in uni. I had just picked to specialize in sculpture at this point and our project was about nature and what it meant to you. We were told to make a sculpture piece which would be placed in a wooded area called stewart's island. We were also told to look into bio-diversity and come up with a piece relating to this if we could. When beginning this project I decided to experiment with video and jotted down my thoughts and feelings when surrounded by nature. I began to notice I didn't particularly like being alone in this area and felt it was like entering a different world. With thorough development this is what my end piece was. I managed to get a very bland boring looking door, I then had two peepholes put into the door to look as though they were eyes. When looking through the peep holes you didn't see what you expected, your view was distorted and unclear.
For the body project My final piece were masks moulded from my face. I used plaster to cast the mould then using liquid latex on top. Each mask is different, the first mask has several layers of fake tan applyed on top of the latex mask, the second is painted with silver paint, The 3rd is a mixture of different coloured wax burned on top and the last one was how the latex mask looked like without the plaster cast. With this project I had been looking at the facial expressions we make when waking up and how these can be changed into something quite scary and creepy looking. Stelarc's robots were what influenced me with this work.

Here are some drawings I did in drawing weeks, some incomplete :(

For the place project I ended up producing a man made necklace out of newspaper and wire. This is something which I feel had great potential and I wish I could of expanded and developed this piece.

Here I have put together some of the sheets i did for the chair project. I didn't have an end piece for this project just lots of research and development. We were basically given a chair to reconstruct and then put back together then throughout this we got given a space in the uni where we had to come up with ideas.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Clint Enns

winnipeg stories: sacrificial memories from clint enns on Vimeo.

I loved this experimental film done by clint enns. He gathered discarded film footage to put this piece together. The music and the whole film generally makes my mind wonder and i love the way the films motion is so slow and soft. It's kind of like your trying to remember what a place looks like but it crumbles away before you can get the whole picture in your head. Would love to do a similar experimentation in the future.

Art Installation, Portobello Beach, Musselburgh

Whilst out for a jog yesterday I came accross an art installation at the end of portobello beach. I loved this so much, the fact the slot machines were still working inviting the public to interact. I went back down to get my own photographs when the sun was setting in the hope to catch the shadows of each slot machine in the sand and to capture the brightly coloured lights from each machine.

In the garden

There isn't really any purpose for this I just had a wee play with my camera in the garden and pretty much took some pictures of the things that caught my attention.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Claire Morgan, Motion Sculptures

After viewing the degree show there was a sculpture students work which stood out for me, her piece was of knitted wombs hanging from the ceiling but looked as though they were in motion. I wish I got a picture of this artwork but I vaguely remember it being about family genes.
Anyway after seeing this artists work below by Claire Morgan I realised where this sculpture student must have got her inspiration from. These sculpture pieces are amazing, at first glance the objects look as though they are in motion especially the strawberry blanket which has been carefully set up to look as though the strawberry's are almost falling to the ground gracefully. The artist uses mainly natural materials to make her work, things like strawberry's, fruit and flowers attached to nylon thread. It is understandable how this artist achieved a first class degree whilst studying at university.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Here are some of the images I took at the Gray's Degree show. I absolutely loved the ball of mice, the artist has chose a not so nice theme of dead rodents but has captured their form beautifully. After speaking to the artist briefly she explained how her idea came about by her pet cat bringing home dead mice.
The subway train caught my eye by the interesting viewpoint, some of the other paintings were painted as if looking threw a fish eye lens and this is like a mirrors reflection. Finally the last three paintings..ones which made you feel strange when viewing. I don't know why but i felt as though I was going to fall over, maybe because of the overlapping and distorted parts of the painting, im not really sure. The paintings were done well but I was definitely squinting and confused with what was going on, but I guess that's the whole point.
Excellent degree show and the fourth year painters and sculptors were definitely my favourites, wish i got some more pictures taken!